Meet the board

The Wine Country Writers’ Festival is organized by the WCWF Society, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping writers like you grow.

Faye Arcand

Hi! My name is Faye and this is Piper. Welcome to WCWF. YA, thriller, and women’s contemporary fiction are my faves to both read and write. Think King mooshed up with Moriarty, a sprinkle of Jewell and a wee dash of Green and you’ll have me. I’ve written three books but many more are banging within me to get out. Check out my blogs: My Twisted Writer Brain and Auntie Says… or follow me on Facebook or Instagram.

Jim Jackson headshot

Jim Jackson

What? What’s this for? Wine Country Writer’s Festival. Yeah. Hm. That was a really good time. Worth traveling from Calgary for. You want me talk about what? Me? Meh. I spend most of my time doing this and that to what and whom. Just waiting for the next Wine Country Writers’ Festival.

Naomi Kennedy

I’m Naomi and I love rainstorms, reading, and long walks on the beach. Oh sorry, wrong type of bio. Beneath my surface layer of sarcasm, social awkwardness, and cat fur, lies a dreamer, wine lover, a little more sarcasm, and the firm belief that we all have a story that matters. I’m the financial overlord on the board and am so excited that you’re joining us!

Kara Antifeau

My name is Kara. I am currently writing a historical fiction novel. My favourite genres to read are historical fiction and fantasy. When I’m not writing or reading you can find me out on the Fraser River paddling.

Stephanie Galay

Hi, I’m Stephanie. You can call me Stephanie, Steph, Wild Woman or whatever it takes to get my attention. I am the Schedule and Volunteer Coordinator for the Wine Country Writers’ Festival. I love all things horror and skulls and my dream is for my words to make people shudder. While I work on that, let me help you with your dream(s).

Simone Blais

Fun fact about me: I have spent more time combing through census records, ship manifests, and archival newspapers than I care to admit. My TBR pile consists of historical fiction, creative non-fiction, and sundry literary journals that have sent me oodles of rejection letters. I procrastinate on writing projects by editing the WCWF website. Feel free to snoop around my home on the interwebs.